Friday, December 25, 2009

Tribute to a MIL - the invisible post recreated

She debunked the stereotyping of the MIL that all sons-in-law would find the flimsiest of excuse to stay away from. She was so unassuming and easy going that I could be myself and she could drop in at our place without any prior notice & without me having to "get ready" for an MIL visit. In fact, she not only got tickled by my jokes & antic but also was my drinking kaki whenever she popped over for dinner. You see, when she came, I got a chance to open a bottle of wine to share just so that it could be consumed within the week. It's just a glass each mind you, otherwise I had to keep the rest till it turned to vinegar :-( And at least she could discern that the sound I was making out of the saxaphone had some coincidental semblance to "The Moon Represents my heart" on no less significant an occasion than her 75th BD - speaks volume of her endurance for not stopping me halfway! Speaking of endurance, I have ever told my dear wife that I admired my MIL's tenacity - that any other mothers thrown with just half or less of her life challenges would have long given up. Truly, God had through her & the way she lived her life taught us His word spoken through Paul about "rejoicing in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." So while I grieve the sudden loss, I thank God for all the moments she had with us and for God's love being poured out on us through my MIL. I rejoice that she is now in that perfect house that Christ had built for her. It's just a temporary separation till we are all reunited in our Father's dwelling with no further separation. With love, Donar

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