Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ah ma- A willing heart, humble spirit

One day, Ah ma called me and said," Cui Ting, can you teach me how to learn tambourine dance? I signed up for the tambourine dance course in church, but I am unable to keep up with the steps. I need more revision." When I received the call, I was pleasantly surprised by her new-found hobby and interest. Hence, we arranged to do tambourine dance together when she is alone at home and when nobody is around. Mama is really shy. She didn't allow me to tell anyone, hence it became our little secret. [But I found out Aunty Cat and Aunty Popo knows too =)]

I must say that I really admire grandmother's willingness to learn. When we were practising the dance, even I felt tired. When I asked her, she will always say, "it's ok. Let's continue." I think her willingness and desire to learn, is something all of us should emulate. She doesn't complain and will try her very best to learn even though some steps are pretty challenging.

Even my friends call her the "hip" grandmother.

My friend who is conducting the tambourine course praised my grandmother. She commented that she is very encouraged by grandmother's learning attitude. By the way, Ah ma is eldest member of the tambourine dance course. Somehow, it doesn't deter her. She still tries her very best and would not complain.

When I was younger, there was this campaign about- vote for someone you know, whom represents life-long learning. I wanted to vote for mama. haha. She learnt practically everything.
Swimming, Dancing, Singing, English classes... etc. You name it.

I am truly humbled by her when I was teaching her how to dance. She is a great example to all us.


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