Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Impact on people who attended

More sharings from those who attended the memorial service:

"the service really touched my heart and I left Grace assembly with a thankful heart for the blessings I received during the service".

"I got to understand in practical ways how a seed has to die for the harvest to take place and how making an event such as this into celebration will make heads turn. It is the first time I have seen and experienced something like this. Praise and exalt Him".

During the watch night service on 31 Dec, one of my church member shared that after listening to mom's testimony, he realized he needed to be more joyful. In his words, "I thought I had it bad as a kid, but Mdm Tan Swee Giok had it bad even as an adult..... yet I found her to be always smiling, joyful".

1 comment:

  1. Words i received:
    so joyful
    really lived well
    she really loves you all
